20/20 in the optometry world means perfect vision. In this year, 2020, God wants to perfect our vision. Whatever vision God has given you, revealed to you, or spoken to you, He wants to perfect and strengthen it. The Word says that when there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). This year, I beseech you to seek God for the vision He has for your life and watch Him WERK!!!
I was reading my evening Bible in 1 Year Evening Devotionalwhen God gave me a fresh word. A portion of the devotional covered a story we are all familiar with; the story of God’s instruction to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son by Sarah, found in Genesis 22:1-19. Now, in Genesis 21:8-21, God instructed Abraham to take Ishmael (his son by the handmaid) and Hagar (the handmaid) to the desert and leave them. So, Abraham just had to abandon one son and he only had two sons. Now, one chapter later, God tells Abraham to sacrifice his other son, Isaac, the promised son. Nevertheless, Abraham obeys God in faith and proceeds to sacrifice Isaac, but God stops him right as Abraham raises the knife. God then provided a ram for the sacrifice.
When I’ve heard a pastor preach on this passage, it is usually done so in the light of highlighting the importance of faith and obedience to God, Abraham’s faith in God, and how this illustrates God sacrificing His only son, Jesus. However, I haven’t heard a sermon about this scripture passage that highlights having faith in God’s promises, a new revelation.
In Genesis 17:15-19, God tells Abraham that Sarah will bear a son, his name will be Isaac, and he will bless Isaac and his descendants. Later, God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. We must understand that God isn’t a man that he would lie, or a human being that he would change his mind (Numbers 23:19). Also, God’s words will not return back empty, but will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which he sent it (Isaiah 55:11). In other words, when God speaks things happen. He spoke the world into existence. There is power of life and death in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).
So there are a few simple facts from this story:
1. God told Abraham that Sarah would have a son named Isaac, and God would bless Isaac and Isaac’s descendants.
2. God DOES NOT lie.
3. God’s words ALWAYS do what they say and achieve their purpose.
4. God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.
Taking those things into consideration, Abraham knew that even if he sacrificed Isaac God, would revive him because God promised that he would bless Isaac's descendants. The ONLY way Isaac could have descendants was if he lived long enough to have children. Isaac didn’t have any children at the time. So, Abraham knew from the beginning that this was a test. He was a man of strong faith in God, believed in the promise God made to him, and knew Isaac would live.
Abraham knew God wouldn’t give him a promise about something, and then kill it before the promise manifest. Likewise, the promises God has given you will be fulfilled. Everything you are experiencing in the natural right now may be telling you that your dream, your hope, you promise, and your purpose is dead. We are living in tough and uncertain times. People are losing jobs, health is failing, relationships are being tested, and the world is living in fear, but one thing that remains certain and constant is God’s character. God is NOT like man that He should lie. God ALWAYS does what he says he will do. So when God says he will never leave or forsake you, that means He is with you in the midst of pandemic and everything that comes with it.
Like Abraham, hold on the promises of God. Abraham’s faith in God’s promise is the reason why he didn't question God’s instruction; unlike in the chapter prior when Abraham was told to kick Ishmael and Hagar out, and he was upset and didn’t want to do it because Ishmael was his son. Believe in the promises of God. I declare and decree that your faith will not fail you!
Abraham’s faith in God’s promise is also the reason for his response when Isaac told Abraham that he sees fire and wood, but where’s the lamb for the burnt offering (Genesis 22:8). Abraham told Isaac that God would provide the sacrifice, because he knew Isaac would live. God, in fact, did provide the sacrifice.
I want to speak and prophesy into your lives and say that the promises God has made to you will LIVE and SHALL NOT DIE!!! Do not get stuck in the natural circumstances of what things look like right now. Don’t be afraid if God instructs you to sacrifice something that was promised. If God does that, it is to build our faith, strengthen us, and bless us. In fact, right after this sacrifice incident, God promised Abraham that he would be blessed richly and have countless descendants… all because of Abraham’s faith in God’s promises.
Abraham believed God was who He said he was. Will you? In the midst of the COVID-19 fears, struggles, pandemonium, losses, and uncertainties, will you still trust God? God wants us to truly believe that He is a provider, healer, way maker, advocate, comforter, truth, light, the way, prince of peace, lily in the valley, grace, mercy, and most of all love, just to name a few. What has God told you He is? Believe in that Word.
Don’t hold back from God anything He asks you to give. This year God wants to strengthen your faith and your vision. Has God given you a promise? Has God asked you to sacrifice something that He promised? Will you trust God’s Word and his promises?
May God keep you and bless you. Amen!
“It is the water in our storms that gives us hope, peace, and strength to get up and fight another day.” Amen!