Happy Manna Monday!! We have elected Mondays to be Manna Monday and will be posting content on Monday to get you through the rest of the week.
If you dared to inquire about someone else’s private and personal affair or sensitive matters, you might get hit with this response: “That’s none of your business.” Likewise, when, acting out of our natural tendency to control everything, we tell God how to do something, Her response is likely “that’s none of your business.”
Check out our Vlog below titled "That's None of My Business"! For those who enjoy the written blogs over the videos, I am also providing the written version. Enjoy!
Devotional Vlog
"That's None of My Business"
Written Vlog
If you dared to inquire about someone else’s private and personal affair or sensitive matters, you might get hit with this response: “That’s none of your business.” In other words, you’re being nosey…too nosey and need to focus on the affairs of your own life.
Likewise, when, acting out of our natural tendency to control everything, we tell God how to do something, Her response is likely “that’s none of your business.” It is our responsibility to stay in tune with God (through prayer, reading, fellowship, etc.), listen for direction and guidance, and obey (i.e. move when God says move). God is responsible for the “how.” When God gives you a vision, promise, a Word, a dream, whatever it may be how that thing comes into fruition is none of your business. God doesn’t even have to tell you how it’s going to happen. We are to trust in His Word since God’s words do not return void but will accomplish what God desires.
When you tell God what to do and how She should get you to where you need to go you’re being a “passenger driver.” For those out there not familiar, a passenger driver is a person in the passenger side, or worst the back seat of a vehicle, that wants to tell the driver how to drive. My mother is a passenger driver which is why I have a preliminary conversation with her each time she gets in my car. She always wants to tell me where to turn, how fast to go, how to drive, and how to get there from the passenger side of MY own vehicle. LOL My response to her: I’m the driver … I know where I’m going and I know how to get there, so as long and you sit back and play your role as a passenger, you’ll be good. I always get her from Point A to Point B.
God is telling us the same things. I like how Matthew 16:21-26a reads in the Message Bible and the fact they titled it “You’re Not in the Driver’s Seat.” The passage states: "Then Jesus made it clear to his disciples that it was now necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, submit to an ordeal of suffering at the hands of the religious leaders, be killed, and then on the third day be raised up alive. Peter took him in hand, protesting, ''Impossible, Master! That can never be!' But Jesus didn’t swerve. 'Peter, get out of my way. Satan, get lost. You have no idea how God works.” Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. …"
Let me repeat that: YOU’RE NOT IN THE DRIVER SEAT, God is! God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and Her ways are not our ways. She sees the beginning from the end. She’s omniscient, meaning all-knowing. So, She possesses better skills to work things out than we do. You’re in good hands with God (in my Allstate spokesperson voice). I know we have this tendency to want to know every step of every aspect of our life and control our own destiny, but we don’t. Control is an illusion. Trust that God has you.
Listen, before the children of Israel encountered the Red Sea, God had already orchestrated a way for Moses to use the rod to part the Red Sea. Now, if God can part a sea… an actual sea… don’t you think She can handle your situation? God is orchestrating ways behind the scene to lead you to your Promised Land, your Canaan, your dream, your destiny in the midst.
So chill and remember, it’s none of your business!